author František

The name of the:


  • Protein diet for weight loss: menu for the week. How does protein affect the body, advantages, disadvantages, permitted and prohibited foods.
    29 July 2022
  • Dukan’s diet every day - the essence and principle of the diet, the list of allowed and forbidden foods, the phases of the diet. Also weekly menu and recipes, pros and cons, reviews.
    9 September 2021
  • There are no contraindications or severe restrictions to the Mediterranean diet. And most importantly, the pounds cast don’t come back. Together with the doctor, we figure out what the secret is.
    6 September 2021
  • A detailed description of the Japanese diet, the essence of the diet and the basic rules for losing weight in 14 days. Recommended menu for a Japanese diet for two weeks with a full list of basic foods.
    11 August 2021
  • The essence and possibilities of protein content. List of permitted and prohibited products. Sample menu for three days, a week and a month.
    16 September 2020
  • Diet for belly: nutrition tips, menus, forbidden foods and special considerations to achieve a quick result.
    2 June 2019
  • The efficiency of diet pills is dependent on the compliance with the instructions that you receive. How to take diet pills.
    2 June 2019
  • Body wraps for weight loss are extremely effective procedures, which in our days is not a joke popular in spas. These procedures effectively reduce the volume of the body, struggling with weight loss, tighten skin, improves its firmness and elasticity.
    19 March 2019