How to lose weight man

It is no secret that as women, that are crucial for themselves and their image as men condescending, and if women are to increase waist size by 1-2 inches, becomes the reason to go to the gym, man "beer" belly is perceived as the norm (some even argue that it adds strength).

What would be the ideal weight for men?

how to lose weight man

The easiest way to understand if your weight with calculation of body mass index.

BMI equals weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. BMI values from 19 to 25 is the norm. If your BMI was under 19, this is a cause for concern, because there is a lack of body weight. If the BMI is above 25, you are overweight, and there are no excuses about age and reliability which will justify the. From a BMI of 30, you can talk about obesity.

For example, the ideal weight for men is 180 cm tall must be in the range from 61,5 to 81 kg.

How to lose weight man

So I found that having the extra weight. How to lose weight man?

For the first time, do not throw out the frying pan into the fire. For example, should not try to run for one hour every day, think about joints – for them will be a severe burden, something with your weight. Exercise should be introduced gradually, starting with aerobic– brisk walking, Cycling. For a start, at least, stop using lifts and escalators and walking. Also enter in your schedule of physical activity, strength training – these allow you to build muscle mass and accelerate your metabolism. A high metabolism also helps to only weight loss. This is to lose weight, for men, that will help you a balanced workout.

Secondly, take your time. Many people wonder how to become a real man, don't worry at all about what faster than the process of losing weight, the more stress on the body and the more likely it is that the lost weight will return as soon as you enter into the rhythm of life. So reformulate your question: "how to become a man," and "how to lose a man forever." However, if for some reason, it is important period of time (for example, when the beach party and worry about what impression on it), the recommendations are very standard: if you want to quickly lose weight, the man should be within 3-5 days of extremely restricting calorie intake, drink kefir and more water, not eat meat, but eat grain and give the salt, so that the body will the excess water, cleaned the intestines and decrease the volume in the stomach. However, for effective long weight loss takes time – no harm for health, you can lose more than 1-1. 5 kg per week, a more significant loss of body weight is already bad for you.

It often happens, to lose weight, people have started to use drastic methods, for example, begin to starve. However, keep in mind, if you do not give the body food – he "goes to sleep", which greatly reduces metabolism and slows down all your processes, and at the first opportunity begins again to accumulate fat mass. Or wants to lose weight men start to wear down excessive physical exercise, forgetting that that load is very extreme for the heart, blood vessels, joints and many other organs and body systems.

Yes, to lose weight man, you need to create a 20% calorie deficit per day – this will allow him to easily shed off some pounds and it does not impair their health. So, to lose weight at home for men will help calculator (counting calories) and a little bit of caution and patience. A small calorie deficit in conjunction with an appropriate physical exercise will help to lose weight man without stress and major changes, and without damage to the health.

Norm of calories for men

diet for weight loss

Daily calorie allowance for men is calculated using the following formula:

10 x weight in kg) + 6.25 x height in cm) – 5 x age in years + 5

This is the core of the exchange, that is, those calories that the body needs to maintain the processes of his life. Now, depending on your physical activity, basal metabolism figures need to be multiplied by a physical activity:

1.2 –weak physical activity, sedentary work;

1.375 –moderate physical activity, training 1-3 times per week;

1.4625 –average physical activity, workout 3-5 times a week;

1.550 –intense exercise 5 times per week, physical work;

1.6375 –exercise every day, high physical activity;

1.725 –an intense daily workout or twice a day.

1.9 –day intensive training or training twice a day, heavy physical work, competition, etc

Let's look at calorie intake for men 30 years of age, whose height is 180 cm and weight 90 kg.

10 x 90+6.25 x 180-5 x 30+5=1880 kcal is the main exchange. Let's say that our man works as a software programmer and has a very low physical activity. 1880 x 1.2=2256 kcal. Now consider: in order to lose weight man our example, you need to create a deficit of 20% of the calories. That is for weight loss your daily calorie intake should be 1804,8 kcal.

How to lose weight at home man

To lose weight at home the man will help his friend or companion, that will be time to pick up a sandwich and forbidden to control the size of portions. But seriously, it is actually to lose weight man at home is not difficult. On restriction of calorie we have already said. Now a little about diet.

From the diet one would need to exclude all the things that he loves. They include prohibition of the following products:

  • white bread;
  • fatty meat;
  • meat, semi-finished and finished products;
  • salami and sausages;
  • potatoes and pasta in unlimited quantities;
  • soda;
  • candy;
  • potato chips, popcorn and other fast food;
  • dumplings;
  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • greasy, spicy, salty and smoked;
  • deep fried food.


  • fruits and vegetables, berries;
  • lean meat, poultry and fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • beans;
  • cereals and products from cereals (except semolina and white rice);
  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • milk and dairy products with low fat content;
  • boiled, steamed, baked foods and dishes prepared on the grill;
  • low-fat soups, herbal teas and unsweetened tea.
weight loss for men

In losing weight, and really always, be sure to drink enough water. For an adult the minimum amount of water per day – 2 liters. Water is essential for all the internal processes in the body, and in addition, when you lose weight, the products of fat breakdown, which you want to view, so that it does not accumulate in the body, it also needs water.

Don't forget that physical activity, moderate balanced workout 2-3 times a week will help you shed excess pounds and make your body relief, to pump up muscles.

We must also say about alcohol. A rare man is limited to a glass of beer watching the football game, right? But beer, like all alcohol, very rich in calories! Mug of beer – at least 250 kcal. And snacks, fatty, fried, salty, carbs... In General, in one emotional evening in good company, a man may unknowingly consume up to 5000 calories. It is not necessary to talk about where those calories go.